Mammoth Vacation! Vacación en Mammoth!

With the Mammoth and Grandma Karin.
Con el gran mammoth y abuelita Karin.

Enjoying the snow that's falling on us!!
Disfrutando de la nieve que caía sobre nosotros!!

Schat's bakery. Had to stop there for an amazing fresh bread.
Panadería Schat's . Teníamos que parar ahi para un delicioso pan fresco.

Mammoth mountain and all the fun!!
Montaña Mammoth con toda su diversión!

Snow on my nose!!
Nieve en mi nariz!!

Daddy and uncle Dan going up!!
Papá y tío Dan van subiendo!!

Our family and uncle Dan!
Nuestra familia con tío Dan!

Visiting my friends!!
Visitando a mis amiguitos!!

The Eagle part of the mountain.
El Aguila, la otra parte de la montaña.

With the funny Mammoth!
Con el curioso Mammoth!

Nothing like snow and sand at the playground!!
Nada como tener nieve y arena en el play!!

A mommy and baby bear hug!!
Un abrazo a mamá y bebé osito!!

I had to take a picture with the cow with eyeglasses and my new eyeglasses!!
Tuve que tomarme una foto con la vaca con anteojos y mis nuevos anteojitos!!

Marcelle in the snow... en la nieve...

She's so cute. She had lots of fun!!
Es una belleza. Ella se divirtió muchísimo!!

Mammoth videos

Crowley Lake

Here is where we stayed while on our Mammoth vacation.
In the town across from the beautiful lake.

Aqui fue donde nos quedamos en nuestra vacación a Mammoth.
En el pueblo frente al precioso lago.

Marcelle's 2nd Easter

Here we are at church together.
What a blessing to celebrate such a special day of Jesus Resurection!
Aqui estamos en la iglesia juntos.
Que bendición poder celebrar éste día tan especial de la resurección de Jesús!

Here with Mami at church.
Thank you for the beautiful dress that you made for her auntie Leigh!
Aqui esta con mami en la iglesia.
Gracias por el precioso vestidito que le hiciste tia Leigh!

Here she is @ her auntie Gail's house in her first egg hunt.
Aqui esta en la casa de su tia Gail en su primera busqueda de huevitos.

This picture was for Marcelle's 1st Easter
at the Rock Church service in the COX Arena @ SDSU.
Esta foto fue la 1era celebración de la Pascua de Marcelle.
En el servicio de la iglesia The Rock Church en el estadio COX en SDSU.

An amazing Easter!

I had the privilege to sing at our church choir and I just had a blast. It was such a blessing. Especially seeing all the people who came to the 4 different morning services and then 2 more at night. Blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus. Many of them decided to follow him!!

Tuve la oportunidad de cantar en el coro de nuestra iglesia y lo disfrute muchísimo. Fue una gran bendición. Especialmente al ver a todas las personas que pudieron venir a los 4 servicios en la mañana y aun 2 más en la noche. Bendito sea el nombre de Jesús. Muchos de ellos tomaron la decisión de seguirle!!

HE is Alive! HE lives!

More than a baby in a manger
To whom nobles would humbly bow their knee;
Or the young Man who heaven knew as Savior,
He is alive in me.
More than the Man Who walked on water,
Or the One who cause blinded eyes to see;
Greater than all the signs and wonders,
He is alive in me.

He lives, He lives
Conquered the grave, covered our sin
He lives, He lives
Death could not hold the Promise within
He lives

More than a Man Who heard hosanna
From the same who cried, “Crucify the King”
Freely He gave as they demanded,
Still He is alive in me.
More than the Man mankind rejected,
With nails in His hands and through His feet.
But the end told much more than they expected,

Everyone knows in three days He rose
With power forever to redeem you and me!

He lives, He lives
Conquered the grave, covered our sin
He lives, He lives
Death could not hold the Promise within
He lives

He’s alive, He’s alive, He’s alive!
He reigns forever and ever

"Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo, que dio a su Hijo *unigénito,
para que todo el que cree en él no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna."
Juan 3:16
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16
Jesus Loves you so much!
Jesus te ama muchísimo!

Good Friday Concert/ Concierto Viernes Santo

Special Guest. Invitado especial.

It was really a blessing, lots of praising, worshiping and dancing!!

Plus lots of people came to the Lord!! Celebrate!!

Fue una gran bendición, mucha alabanza, adoración y danza!!

Además de que muchas personas tomaron la decisión de seguir a Jesus!! Celebremos!!

VeggiTales! I love them! / Me fascinan!

Marcelle sings their song during the day and dances,
she just loves them!
Marcelle canta la canción de ellos todos los días y baila,
le fascinan!

La Jolla, CA

The Lord blessed us with beautiful weather.
Isn't this an amazing view?
El Señor nos bendijo con un clima maravilloso.
No les parece una preciosa vista?

At Balboa Park / En Balboa Park

Enjoying a beautiful day!
Disfrutando de un día maravilloso!!

Ooh Nice!! @ the San Diego Zoo

Ooh Nice! En el Zoológico de San Diego.

Marcelle loves saying this phrase for everything!

Here at the petting zoo with the goats and sheep.

Marcelle ama ésta frase y la dice para todo!

Aquí en el corral con las cabras y ovejas.

Enjoy! Disfruten!