June/Junio 21, 2007
Wow! It was a very special day at the Wild Animal Park. When we boarded the new shuttle for the valley ride, all the employees were in suspense, so we asked the reason and they told us that at any moment a baby Giraffe would be born. The legs were out and next would come the head. What is so cool is that at the time our shuttle went by, I was able to see the head up close with my camera zoom!! Yes, by the time our shuttle returned from our 40 min trip of the valley, the cute little Giraffe was already trying to walk! And all the family came to welcome him/her.
Wow! Era un dia muy especial en el Wild Animal Park. Cuando abordamos el carrito que nos llevaria al viaje alrededor del valle, nos dimos cuenta que los empleados estaban en suspenso! Asi que preguntamos y nos dijeron que una bebe Jirafita naceria en cualquier momento. Ya sus patitas estaban afuera y lo que seguia era la cabeza! Si, para el momento en que nuestro carrito iba pasando por ahi, yo pude ver la cabeza con el zoom de mi camara. Y a la vuelta del viaje de 40 min en el carrito, ya la jirafita estaba practicando como pararse y ademas toda la familia llego a recibirle!
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