Clay class! Clase de ceramica!

Here you see Anne, preparing the clay for us!
Right here is Karin creating a wonderful plate in the shape of a leaf. Just beautiful!
Aqui pueden ver a Anne preparando la arcilla para nosotras. Tambien pueden ver a Karin creando este maravilloso plato en forma de hoja.
For my mom Rosy, it was her dream come true! To be able to learn and do some kind of clay/ceramics with Seth's aunt Anne. And she was very surprise. She didn't know what it was until Anne started teaching! And she created this beautiful Peace Angel.
Para mi mami Rosy, era su sueno hecho realidad! El poder aprender y hacer algun tipo de ceramica con Anne -la tia de Seth. Y fue una gran sorpresa! No sabia nada hasta que la tia comenzo a dar la clase! Y ella creo este precioso Angel de Paz.


The Del Pegos November 27, 2007 at 7:48 AM  

Your mom is a great artist! The angel is beautiful, did she take it home with her or are you bringing it when you go to Costa Rica?